Divine Services
Sunday Divine Services
Orthros: 8:15am
Divine Liturgy: 9:30am
Weekday Divine Liturgies
9:30 am (check the monthly Church Calendar for dates)
Wednesday: 6:30pm please check Church calendar for exact dates
Holy Week Services (Dates vary by Year)
Saturday of Lazarus 8:15 am Liturgy Palm Sunday 9:30am Liturgy
Palm Sunday Evening Service of the Bridegroom 7:00 pm
Holy Monday Evening Service of the Nymphios 7:00 pm
Holy Tuesday Evening Service of the Nymphios 7:00 pm
Holy Wednesday Morning Presanctified Liturgy 9:30 am
Holy Wednesday Afternoon Sacrament of Holy Unction 3:00 pm
Holy Wednesday Evening Orthros for Holy Thursday 7:00 pm
Holy Thursday Morning Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 9:30 am
Holy Thursday Evening Twelve Passion Gospels 7:00 pm
Holy Friday Morning The Royal Hours of Crucifixion 9:00 am
Holy Friday Afternoon Vespers of the Apokathelosis 3:00 pm
Holy Friday Evening Service of the Lamentations 7:00 pm
Holy Saturday Morning Vesperal Liturgy of St. Basil the Great 9:30 am
Holy Saturday Evening Canon of the Resurrection 10:45pm,
The Resurrection Orthros & Divine Liturgy Midnight, followed by fellowship in Hall.
*Please remain for the entire Divine Liturgy
HOLY PASCHA SUNDAY The Agape Vespers 11:00 am
August 14th: Parish Feast Day Vespers 6:30 pm
Procession outside with the Holy Kouvouklion and Epitaphios of the Theotokos
Reception following in the Great Hall by our Ladies Philoptochos Society.
August 15th: Orthros 8:15 am, Divine Liturgy 9:30am
Blessing of the Five Loaves (Artoclasia), Reception in the Great Hall
Our Faith
The Church
The life of the Orthodox Church perpetuates and fulfills the ministry of Jesus Christ. The close association between Christ and His Church is reflected in the images from the Scriptures which declare that Christ is the Head and the Church is His Body, and that Christ is the Bridegroom and the Church is His bride. Learn more»